Oatmeal-Cranberry Cookies


I know Christmas seems like yesterday-and we all probably had enough cookies over the holiday season-but I just couldn't keep this yummy cookie recipe to myself a day longer! There's no need to worry though, these sweeties aren't going to ruin any of those good New Years resolutions: the healthy and filling oatmeal-cranberry combo makes them a perfect option for a travelling snack, exercise snack or any other snack there is to fill in!

Ingredients (50 cookies):
-250g butter, at room temperature
-180g brown sugar
-2 eggs
-225g flour
-1 Tsp. baking powder
-1 Tsp. cinnamon
-1 Pinch salt
-200g oatmeal
-100g cranberries

1. Whisk butter with sugar and eggs.
2. Combine flour with baking powder, cinnamon and salt and fold under  butter-sugar mixture.
3. Add oatmeal and cranberries and make sure the dough is homogenous.
4. Bake in oven at 175 degrees for 10 minutes. Leave to cool on grid.


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